Voices of Elk Grove – Elk Grove Mayor, City Council urged to ‘protect our riparian corridors’

Voices of Elk Grove – Elk Grove Mayor, City Council urged to ‘protect our riparian corridors’

Trails advocate Sharon Anderson makes a heartfelt appeal

Following a presentation by Elk Grove’s economic development director Darrell Doan, a member of the city’s trails committee made an appeal to the mayor and city council. The comments were made at the Wednesday, February 23, Elk Grove City Council meeting.

As a longtime advocate and member of the city’s trails committee, Sharon Anderson made spoke during public comment after Doan made his presentation to the city council.

While she acknowledged the city’s general plan, Anderson nonetheless urged Elk Grove Bobbie Singh-Allen and her four council members to protect riparian corridors. She specifically cited the proliferation of self-storage units being developed in the city.

Referencing the general plan, Anderson said, “I don’t know how we can open that back up to say protect our riparian corridors, do not put mini storage places along riparian corridors…”

The mayor and city council did not respond to Anderson’s request. Anderson’s entire commentary can be viewed in the video.