Voices of Elk Grove – ‘What a mess – you guys have only one choice, to vote it down’

Voices of Elk Grove – ‘What a mess – you guys have only one choice, to vote it down’

City staff called out during council hearing

During the Wednesday, April 26, 2023, Elk Grove City Council meeting, one Elk Grove resident issued a dire assessment of a new housing project in the city’s rural area.

That resident, Randy Bekker, who has become a confidante of the mayor and city council, supported homeowners who voiced concern about the Pleasant Grove Estates project. Located in the city’s Sheldon neighborhood, it would see 14 luxury homes built on 31 acres.

Bekker said the city’s staff “has done a poor job’ in their analysis. Furthermore, Bekker suggested 5,000 square foot homes in the Sheldon district contradict its rural character.

Read more about the Pleasant Grove Estate project here. Bekker’s full commentary can be seen in the video.

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