Local Wendy's holding fundraiser to help Sacramento Zoo raise $50 million for new Elk Grove Zoo

Local Wendy's holding fundraiser to help Sacramento Zoo raise $50 million for new Elk Grove Zoo

As part of the deal to move the Sacramento Zoo to Elk Grove, the Sacramento Zoological Society is compelled, or so says the funding agreement, to raise $50 million for construction of the $300 million park.

The ability of the SZS to raise the $50 million has been viewed with skepticism. So great is that skepticism throughout Elk Grove there are rumblings that if the SZS cannot generate the cash, Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen, who has guided this project, will step in and obligate taxpayers to cover the cash shortfall.

Regardless of whether they raise the money, the SZS is undertaking a major fundraising event to meet that $50 million goal. That fundraiser involves three Wendy's stores in Elk Grove and South Sacramento.

According to SZS's Facebook page, tomorrow night, "Show the flyer below, and a portion of your purchase will go towards our capital campaign for a New Zoo in Elk Grove. Bring your family, grab your friends, and dine out for a great cause!"

We can't say how much this backwater bush league event will raise (if diners remember to bring the flyer!), but we can only imagine it will be a couple thousand dollars. With the SZS's mammoth $50 million goal, at least it is a few less thousand dollars Mayor Singh-Allen will hang on the backs of Elk Grove taxpayers!