What does a contribution to a candidate who refuses to state their position on women’s choice, marriage equality say about the contributor?

Along with inflation and the economy, the most significant hot-button social issue nationally is women’s reproductive rights. Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wage, the issue’s strength was demonstrated earlier this year when Kansas voters, a state known for rock-ribbed conservative ideals, protected reproductive services.

Even though California is considered the most accessible state for women’s health services, with the victory of reversing Roe in their column, anti-choice adherents will continue their battle state-by-state.

While California, for now, is considered a haven for women’s reproductive services, that can change. Part of their process to ban abortion nationwide is to place as many anti-choice candidates in all positions, even in blue states, to begin the process.

Sacramento County is one of those places where the slow and steady march toward a nationwide abortion ban will be on the ballot. The specific race is in the Sacramento County County Board of Supervisors District 5 race.

On one side is the Democratic candidate, Jaclyn Moreno, whose pro-choice stance is a pillar of her campaign. The other candidate, Republican Pat Hume, has refused to discuss his position on reproductive rights and marriage equality, saying they are outside the purview of the Board of Supervisors.

Part of the march toward banning abortion is developing politicians on the bench with the same values. Given Hume has refused to comment, it is not unreasonable to believe Hume supports abortion bans and stands against marriage equality (Hume has not also stated his positions on the Big Lie, but that’s an entirely different subject).

It is worth remembering that many, although not a majority, of Republican voters support women’s reproductive rights while a majority support marriage equality.

What is there to fear, Mr. Hume, other than revealing your true self that supports a total ban on abortion and a repeal of marriage equality?

This brings us to his supporters, most notably Democratic Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen. Citing a longtime friendship, Singh-Allen has offered a full-throated endorsement of Republican Hume.

Singh-Allen can rightfully point to that friendship and the fact Moreno did not endorse her 2020 mayoral campaign. We suspect even if Moreno had endorsed Singh-Allen’s 2020 candidacy, Singh-Allen would still support her pal, Hume.

Regardless, this brings us to another aspect of Singh-Allen support of Hume, that being financial. Singh-Allen has donated $1,300 to his campaign.

An endorsement is one thing; a financial commitment means you are really buying into a candidate’s agenda, which in this case probably means Singh-Allen supports Hume’s lack of commitment to women’s reproductive rights and marriage equality.

As Hume has shown himself to be untrustworthy given his refusal to state his positions on these two critical issues, what about elected officials of the opposing party who offer significant financial support? Notwithstanding previous comments from Mayor Singh-Allen on these issues, how do we really know what she stands for?

Could Singh-Allen share Hume’s views on seeking a nationwide ban on abortion and repealing marriage rights and using this support to telegraph that message? After all, she gave a significant contribution to a man running against a pro-choice woman candidate.

No one knows but Singh-Allen, but it is worth considering.

Does this hefty donation indicate that Singh-Allen is a wolf in sheep’s clothing? It’s a question Madame Mayor, unlike her protege Hume, will eventually have to answer to the Democratic establishment as she seeks higher office.