Will high-profile Democratic office holders, seekers want to pose for selfies with Elk Grove’s Democratic segregationists?

Will high-profile Democratic office holders, seekers want to pose for selfies with Elk Grove’s Democratic segregationists?
Better days for Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen (right) and Attorney General Rob Bonta as she shoots this undated selfie.

Will Bonta willingly pose with BSA for one of her selfies?

Politicians, by definition, are narcissistic and self-serving. In the 21st century, there is no better conveyance of this behavior than selfies.

In this instance, when referring to selfies, we are not suggesting prominent politicians who pose for a selfie at the request of a fan or supporter. Say someone posing with Biden or Trump at a political rally.

Instead, we are talking about local hacks like Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen. If there is one thing madame mayor does well, and only one thing, it is selling herself.

The mayor loves to name and place drops and get herself positioned with high-level officials for selfies. A few days ago, an Elk Grove resident and influential Democratic party member sent us a curious selfie of the mayor they found to be ironic.

And to be clear, the mayor’s positioning indicates she took the selfie.

This selfie included Singh-Allen and a person who has rocked her world of rainbows and puppies in the last couple of weeks, not in a fun way -that person is the highest law enforcement official in the state, Attorney General Rob Bonta.

This selfie indicates it was taken and initiated by Darren Suen.

This is the same Rob Bonta who said the mayor and her city council displayed “discriminatory land use practice” and was “based on discriminatory intent or has a discriminatory effect.”

As noted, the language of the Elk Grove residents opposing the Oak Rose project and Singh-Allen is the same language of segregationists. The mayor’s claims of being compassionate are empty words.

So now that Singh-Allen and Elk Grove City Councilmember Darren Suen, who also has a selfie fetish himself, have associated with segregationist language, if not attitudes, will other higher-level elected officials be willing to be seen in one of their selfies?

The Doris Matsui, Ami Bera, and Darrell Steinbergs of the Democratic party may continue posing with Suen and Singh-Allen but are doing so at the risk of being associated with segregationists or someone else who, at a minimum, supports “discriminatory land use practice.”

Until this is resolved to the satisfaction of the Oak Rose project proponents because they are the ones in control of the situation, it will be interesting to see if fellow high-level Democratic officials allow themselves to be wrangled into selfies with Singh-Allen, Suen, and Council members Rob Brewer and Sergio Robles.

We concede, maybe this being overthought. Afterall, for Mayor Singh-Allen conducting the people’s business is nothing more than a yuck-it-up session.