Will the unheard voice of Elk Grove City Councilmember Sergio Robles be revealed as compliant or courageous?

Will the unheard voice of Elk Grove City Councilmember Sergio Robles be revealed as compliant or courageous?
Is Sergio Robles an independent Elk Grove City Council member or compliant with the wishes and commands dictated by Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen?

Is the freshman council member being abused by the mayor?

As reported in Lynn Wheat’s March 19 edition of her More Than Three Minutes podcast, during the Elk Grove City Council March 10 retreat meeting, Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen, and her four city councilmen circled the wagons, so to speak, when it comes to their messaging.

For the mayor, it’s all for one and one for all!

One listener of that podcast posted a thoughtful comment. The comment from the person using the handle Renegade said:

Thirdly, and what I find most troubling is the mayor believes the entire council needs to vote in agreement over all issues before the council to show a unified front. How is that a democracy? Every member of that council needs to be able to freely state their concerns or issues to every project, to vote as their education, wisdom, and heart dictate, not fall in line with the mayor’s point of view.

Renegade poises an interesting thought related to the Oak Rose project and the two new city council members, Rod Brewer and Sergio Robles – what are their positions?  Are they free thinkers or subordinate to the wishes of Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen?

Robles’ stance on the Oak Rose controversy is not clear. However, the other council member, Mr. Brewer, affirmed his unambiguous segregationist stance as a candidate.

“the intent of the program is good, however, the location and site design set the project up for failure.”

Elk Grove City Councilmember Rod Brewer on the Oak Rose project.

Brewer wrote, “Last month, I received information about the proposed Oak Rose Apartments from my friend, longtime resident of East Elk Grove, Randy Bekker.” He added, in unabashed segregationist language, “the intent of the program is good, however, the location and site design set the project up for failure.”

Brewer’s language is disappointing but unsurprising, given his close relationship with the mayor. He follows the philosophy of Singh-Allen and Councilmember Darren Suen and is a DINO – Democratic In Name Only. Anything to win an election justifies anti-Democratic party principles.

As for Robles, is he being compliant to Singh-Allen like an altar boy molested by a Boston Diosece Roman Catholic priest? Robles may not like what is happening to him, but perhaps he is conforming to the threat of a predator priest, in this case, Mayor Singh-Allen, and staying quiet under duress of the all-for-one standard imposed at the retreat meeting.

Constituents do not know if Robles is a victim of compliance or if he disagrees with the segregationist stance of his city council colleagues. So, Councilmember Robles, if Mayor Singh-Allen metaphorically abuses you, be courageous and resist these segregationist standards or, conversely, say you support segregation.

Councilmember Robles, grow a backbone, exercise your obligation to speak as an independently elected official, state your position, and let constituents know if you are compliant with the mayor or courageous.

Note from the writer: I was a fully confirmed Roman Catholic, receiving the sacrament of confirmation in 1968 from the Detroit Diocese Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Gumbleton. However, in light of revelations of institutionalized abuse of children by the Roman Catholic priest, I no longer practice Roman Catholicism.